Mirary ® : the best solution to eradicate excessive sweating or hypehidrosis


Hyperhydrosis or excessive sweating, before MiraDry

Excessive sweating located on the armpits is commonly labelled as “Hyperhydrosis”.  Being the cause of discomfort and inconvenience for both Men and Women, this affection is very often under-estimated and can be very embarrassing. Until now, this issue was inadequately handled in terms of medical care…

  • Iontophoresis devices could be proposed to the patients, but the results are non-lasting on the hands and disappointing concerning armpits.
  • Botulinic Toxin (Botox) was eventually an alternative but needs to be performed regularly because of its non-lasting effect on the treated area. Moreover, it generally necessitates the use of at least two bottles.

Miradry® : the solution to eradicate excessive sweating safely

For some years now in the USA, a revolutionary device came up, electively targeting sweat glands through a thermal mechanism resulting in their destruction:  the MIRADRY short-waves. Sweating is simply eradicated from your everyday life, in a durable way.

Eradicate transpiration with Miradry at CLIPP Paris.

Because sweat glands are completely destroyed during one (or maximum two treatment sessions) and don’t tend to regenerate (they do only emerge through the foetal phase), clinical results proved the effectiveness of MIRADRY, as well as its permanent character.

Nowadays, the FDA gave the following “permanent reduction of transpiration” denomination to the MiraDry device, thanks to years of clinical studies and improvements.

Our patients beneficiate form durable, permanent results, drastically reducing sweat, after one single treatment session for most patients. Most severe cases can potentially receive two treatment sessions. The CLIPP is proud to be amongst the very firsts in Europe to propose our patients this revolutionary device.


Miradry® treatable areas adn advantages

"The microwaves from the Miradry® device will penetrate the tissues to the target depth, where the sweat glands responsible are located and destroy it permanently"


  • MiraDry : a 1 to 2 hour treatment, with sustainable benefits.
  • MiraDry for armpits is available for the moment, next step being hyperhidrosis on the hands.
  • MiraDry also eradicates the odour often linked with transpiration.
  • One single Miradry session is necessary to treat hyperhidrosis and eradicate transpiration.
  • MiraDry treats excessive sweating, as well as more pronounced hyperhidrosis cases.

Miradry® : the treatment for french television (in french)

Miradry® the price at the CLIPP Paris

Currently, MiraDry® medical technology cannot be applied to the hands or other parts of the body: only the armpits can be treated. Do not hesitate to subscribe to our news-letter to be kept informed of the arrival of a technique against perspiration on other areas of the body.

The price at CLIPP in Paris for the treatment with Miradry® of axillary hyperhidrosis (or excessive sweating) is 2400 euros including tax. In 80% of cases, a single session is enough to permanently treat this severe pathology. If a second session proves necessary, our doctors undertake to bill you for it at 1400 euros including tax.


1ère séance 2400 €
2 ème séance (si nécessaire) 1400 €

Book an appointment

Contact us at +33 0144429255

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75007 Paris



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