Face and body rejuvenation

Besides injection techniques (such as botulinum toxins or hyaluronic acids) peelings or cosmetic prescriptions, devices such as Lasers, Ultrasounds or radiofrequencies represent an increasingly important part in face or extra-facial rejuvenation treatments.

The CLIPP is equipped with the most sophisticated and innovative techniques, as well as the most complementary and adapted devices.

These techniques allow us to handle rejuvenation treatments with the best conditions, fighting ageing stigmas over the face or the body, such as smooth or deep wrinkles, pigmented stains, skin sagging (with a loss of the oval of the face, as well as a marked relaxation of the neck, skin slackening on the arms, wrinkled appearance of the belly…), dilated pores or dull skins.

The plurality and synergy of these techniques and the extensive expertise of our doctors allow us to offer our patients the best possible treatments in accordance with their medical expectations.


Fractional lasers to rejuvenate

Our Clinic is equipped with several complementary fractional laser devices :

We have all three following non-ablative lasers: The Restore Fraxel laser, the Dual Fraxel Laser, PicoSure Focus

The Fraxel has demonstrated its effectiveness and safety concerning rejuvenation, scars treatments, as well as melasmas (pregnancy masks). With limited visible signs following the treatment, it allows the patient a quick recovery time and avoids disruptions in your work schedule and social life. All skin phototypes can receive the Fraxel Dual/Restore Laser therapy (even olive skins to black skins).

A particularly safe and precise device: the CO2 Fractional Laser.

The CO2 Laser SmartXide Dote is widely acknowledged for its ability to treat deep wrinkles; It is more powerful than the Restore FRAXEL Laser. Its intense power induces a more important downtime for approximately one week. Nevertheless, its remarquable effectiveness makes an essential device in some specifics cases such as upper lips wrinkles.

Radiofrequency to rejuvenate skin

The E-Matrix : sub-ablative device

Multipolar sub-ablative E-Matrix radiofrequency device (Candela/Syneron) is often used to improve the skin’s tonicity and quality, particularly on fragile areas of the skin such as the neck or cleavage.

The Thermage monopolar radiofrequency

The mono-polar radio-frequency device deeply penetrates the skin, its thermal effect induces a tightening effect on the skin if the indication is well provided by the doctor (depending on the age, skin type etc…). Regarding the diagnostic, the specialist would eventually suggest other treatment alternatives.

Ulthera: ultra-sounds

Ulthera device embodies a major improvement in the field of rejuvenation, particularly concerning the oval of the face and eyelids. In just on Laser session, with limited follow-ups, come a very clear improvement in the skin tightening, with no surgery. Ulthera is a good indication in facial global rejuvenation : Ultherapy tightens the skin, redefines sagging eyebrows, reshapes the oval of the face

Ulthera is particularly interesting for patients of around 50 year old age showing a will of anticipation for lifting surgery, showing skin sagging on the lower part of the face. This focalised ultrasound device (which can be performed on every skin carnation) is ideal to redefine and restructure the oval of the face, avoiding any surgery.

In the presence of strong skin sagging, Ulthera wouldn’t be a substitute to a real lifting surgery, but could be an alternative with still a visible and durable efficiency and natural results, if the patient doesn’t want to take the paths of surgery.


"For the treatment of the oval of the face, Ulthera remains one of the most powerful among the non-invasive techniques."
Aesthetic MD

Ulthera : results

5 month after 1 session of Ultherapy

In all cases, a consultation with a specialized doctor from the CLIPP Laser Center in Paris is necessary to determine, after diagnosis (according to age, skin quality, etc.), the treatment protocol to be carried out on the patient and the machine to use.

Book an appointment

Contact us at +33 0144429255

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75007 Paris



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